Prefix -Top One Liner: What is Lorem Ipsum?

Demo test

500 ml | Approvisionnement pour 16 jours

Protect every cell and tissue in your body with this premium grape seed extract with 60% OPC – super-strong antioxidant action!

Contents: 1x Demo test 500 mls/16 jours


Sans gélatine

Sans gluten

Sans OGM

Qualité GMP

Sans lactose



Fabriqué dans l'UE


Sans gélatine

Sans gluten

Sans OGM

Qualité GMP

Sans lactose



Fabriqué dans l'UE


Prefix -Top One Liner: What is Lorem Ipsum?

Demo test

500 ml | Approvisionnement pour 16 jours

Protect every cell and tissue in your body with this premium grape seed extract with 60% OPC – super-strong antioxidant action!

Protect every cell and tissue in your body with this premium grape seed extract with 60% OPC – super-strong antioxidant action!

  1. Protect every cell and tissue in your body with this premium grape seed extract with 60%
  2. OPC – super-strong antioxidant action!
  3. Protect every cell and tissue in your body with this premium grape seed extract with 60%
  4. OPC – super-strong antioxidant action!
  5. Protect every cell and tissue in your body with this premium grape seed extract with 60%
  6. OPC – super-strong antioxidant action!

Contents: 1x Demo test 500 mls/16 jours

Suffisant pour 16 jours

-10% remise
Prix spécial 449,99 CHF Prix habituel 500,99 CHF

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